
9/11 Short Stories

Decent Essays

Jane sensed being stared at in the street and looking round she saw him - a local man, dressed in white trousers and long sleeved shirt, wearing a turban. There was no disputing the fact that he was trying to catch up with her. She felt her heart race and moved as though her life depended on it. Her blood raced and her pulse quickened. The sweat poured from every orifice in her body. The sidewalk made from shale and stone was uneven making running impossible. She could smell her body odour and taste the beads of sweat pouring down her face. The taste was salty and hot. She quickly turned and she saw him move fast, too fast.

It had been a foolish thing to do for she was only two hundred yards from her residence and it was not that she hadn't …show more content…

She carried neither handbag nor purse. All she did was walk out for a breath of air from the stifling apartment. The air conditioning did not work efficiently in this country. What crime could there in walking down a street?

It was three in the afternoon for goodness sake. No one was around. A stray dog sat panting in the shallow pool of water by the roadside. It was half-starved and thin and gave a low growl as she passed by. She loved dogs but dared not touch it for fear of rabies or worse.

She walked faster, breaking into a power walk. Shutters were closed and she passed the banyan tree. It was her favourite tree - for it was around twenty feet in diameter and sat in the middle of the pavement where a large hole had been dug for it alone. With its trailing branches and succulent trunks growing up from the earth in profusion it reminded her of the Pocahontas film. Her mind diverted for a few seconds and she liked to think that the local population had fought the council to preserve this ancient tree which had no doubt been there for over a hundred years or …show more content…

Their calls were from far away - a great height - where they hid in the deep green foliage. Habitually, they cried out a sound quite alien to the British birds she was accustomed to, sounding loud and raucous, "Treeeee!"

Further on, bougainvillea bushes of yellow, red and orange sprang out from the sides of the street as though to say, "We are the symbols of a long hot summer, admire our fire, poor mortals and burn."

He was catching up with her. She hastened. Her breathing was laboured. Water, water was needed. Her thirst was unbearable. A drink of water would save her. "I'll never eat that spicy food again," she said out loud. She needed help. She was about to trip.

Down she went like a stone falling to the earth. She fell heavily on her shoulder and knew she was bleeding, perhaps she had broken a bone. The pain, the pain .... the abductor caught up and crouched over her.

She smelled the garlic from his breath, he knelt so close to her but his face was not vicious at all but full of

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