
A Brief Definition Of A Hero

Decent Essays

What is a hero? Let me define that for you. A hero is a person, who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. You may not know or see it, but there is heroes in everyday life. I know, shocking right! There are heroes everywhere you go, school, work, even Walmart! You may not see them, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t there. A hero is any person who overcomes a challenge and is always there for you through thick and thin. There are a lot of things a hero can do to become or show that he/she is a hero.
Well I bet you are wondering what are some examples that make a regular person, just like you, a hero. “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” –Joseph Campbell. This means that a hero has given his/her life to put somebody or something that is important before his/her self. “A coward gets scared and quits. A hero gets scared, but still goes on,” –Anonymous. This means that even when a hero is scared he never gives up, he still keeps going on. A hero helps people, like if you see an old lady carrying a bunch of bags, a hero would go up to her and offer to help her carry them. …show more content…

If somebody is selfish then they couldn’t be a hero because a selfish person is someone who wants everything for themselves, unlike a hero. For example a hero would share his/her food with someone who is starving so therefor he/she is not selfish. If somebody is evil, he/she couldn’t be a hero because heroes want to help others. People who are just evil want to hurt people instead of help them. If a person is mean to somebody then he/she cannot be a hero because a hero is always nice to one another even if the person wants to hurt them. That to me shows true colors right

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