
A Brief Look at Ancient Egypt and Their Legindary Stele Essay

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Whenever the topic of Ancient Egypt is breached, a few generic topics are instantly recalled: maybe it’s the pyramids, King Tut’s tomb, maybe even the Exodus? Before Egypt became the Egypt that most everyone knows of now, it was a wildly disjointed, disunited preamble to the great empire it became known for. King Narmer was the factor that ultimately changed that. Unifier of Egypt and founder of the First Dynasty, Narmer set into motion a series of events that ultimately shaped Egypt into the modern republic it is now. In this episode of ‘A History of the World in 101 Objects,’ we will delve into the history behind this legendary Stele, explore the ancient and current significance of such a production, and attempt to lift the veil on …show more content…

Roosting on papyrus flowers is a falcon meant to symbolize Horus, especially important as papyrus is the symbol for Lower Egypt. Within his talons are a rope stemming from the head of a man growing out from the flowers. To the other side of Narmer is a man presenting the Pharaoh with his Sandals. Below him, almost comically are two nude men. Whether they lie there dead or are in the act of running away can only be guessed at, with again two more symbols beside them, likely representing the name of the conquered town. The other side of the tablet once again features Narmer at a superhuman height, emphasizing his superhuman nature. Wearing the Red Crown of Lower Egypt this time, he wields two common symbols of royalty, the mace and the flail. Again his sandal bearer stands behind him, only this time two symbols float alongside him, suggesting his name and an associated town. Narmer too has his name in hovering symbols beside him. A third character walking directly in front of the Pharaoh also has a pair of hieroglyphs alongside him, a long haired man who follows behind four standard bearers carrying an animal skin, a dog, and two falcons respectively. Suspended above these men are the symbols for a ship, a falcon, and a harpoon, likely a record of conquered towns. Ten decapitated corpses lie dead in front of their party, victims of the conquests of the Pharaoh. Below this

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