
A Change In Richard Wright's Black Role Model

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Richard Wright was an author who was born before the Civil Rights movement who wrote a who wrote an autobiography called Black Boy. In his book full of memoirs, he talks about his experiences of growing up in the South and how people of his race and skin color were treated. Being a person of color, Wright mentions how colored people were disrespected and discriminated by white southerners during his childhood, teenage years, and even as a young adult. Now that years have passed, racism has decreased, but it still remains. Since slavery ever began, people of color have been fighting for equality for a long period of time. Now that people of the black community can speak their minds in 2018, they are able to start campaigns and protests about …show more content…

Now that the black community has come a long way, what would Wright write about if his story was about a black boy who lived in the year 2018? If he did, it would be about black role models, Obama becoming president, and the Say Her Name Campaign. Wright could possibly mention the topic on black role models because black role models can influence and inspire young children and teenagers to succeed in their dreams. Since Wright didn’t have any decent role models throughout his childhood, he can talk about how a black boy looks up to important and well known African Americans. Some important figures that are well known in 2018 Wright can mention are Usain Bolt, Lonnie Rashid Lynn Jr., and Taraji P. Henson. Usain Bolt is known to be the greatest sprinter of all time who has a legendary Olympic status according to the article “The Greatest Sprinter of All Time”. Between August 16, 2008 and August 19, 2016, the 31 year old Jamaican sprinter won twenty Olympic gold medals in the twenty one events he’s entered. At age 17, he made his Olympic debut in Athens 2004 even with a torn hamstring. When he came back four years later, he set a new 100m world record of 9.72 seconds. Not …show more content…

During the time of his presidency, he has had many successes such as decreasing the unemployment rate, ending the war in Iraq, and supporting the LGBTQ community. Obama has cut down the rate of unemployment more than any president since FDR. The rate has dropped down to a 4.8 percent. It’s now 2.8 percentage points lower than it was in January 2009. There has been a growth of 2 million jobs in the last six years Obama has been in office. One of his other successes was ending the war in Iraq. The war in Iraq was an armed conflict that began in 2003. It started with the invasion of Iraq by U.S.-led coalition that overthrew the government. In the article, “Obama’s Struggle With Hard Questions of War” by Greg Jaffe on the Washington Post, Obama says, “Next month will mark the anniversary of the war in Iraq. By any measure, this has already been a long war”. Obama then suggested to bring peace between Iraq and the U.S. by building new ties of trade and commerce, culture, and education. Lastly, another one of Obama’s successes was supporting the LGBTQ community. To show his support, Obama was able to illuminate the white house in rainbow colors allowing same-sex marriage nationwide said. From the article, “To LGBT Activists, Obama Will Always Be A Champion, Obama” They quoted Obama saying, “To see people gathered in the evening

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