
A Comparison : A Short Story : The Story

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Here I am, again. You know i'm just gonna be honest here. I'm just trying to make since of this as much as you are. That's why I'm writing this you know. I'm trying to figure out how this all happened. I know it would just be easier to face the music but I can't. Let's go back 1 month prior to the event. The moment that everything started to get tangle web in a web of confusion. *** "Can you believe what happened last weekend?" "No tell me." "Zac broke up with his girlfriend. Called her a hoe and hooked up with another girl just to get his point across." "Unbelievable you don't know if that actually happened Caroline," I said as I sat down at our lunch table. "and furthermore are you or are you not trying to get above the gossiping Nadia?" "I am" "But I do know this is true I heard it from a reliable source. speaking of which here he comes now." We looked at the doorway to find Zac walking in the lunchroom. This time however he headed straight for our table. "Yo what's up Julie, Nadia, my man Tristan, and finally sweet precious Caroline." "How can I help Zac?" "Well Caroline do you possibly have the homework for Spanish?" "I don't know. Julie..." "Don't you dare finish that sentence you dang well know the answer I'm tired of you asking me. Here's a nice thought for the both of you how about you try doing your homework." "Excuse me have you tried to keep with sports and homework?" "No I have not." "Then you can shut it" "But have you tried upholding a A average with all of

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