
A Comparison Of Inside Out And Stormrage

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Thesis: The narrations of Inside Out and Stormrage emphasize the color green to portray the juxtaposing characteristics of nature and joy against corruption and disgust, as both genres use the color to explicate the duality of green and showcase its ability to display both positive and negative connotations used in the genres. Inside Out and Stormrage are both works with contrasting plot lines and characters yet, both works with comparable usage of particular aspects such as the usage and analysis of color. Pete Docter and Ronnie Del Carmen’s film, Inside Out uses the color green to personify the emotion of disgust, a fastidious figment of the main character, Riley’s imagination that is always looking over looking her actions and making sure …show more content…

Moreover, both use green in a negative connotation as well, whether it be the Emerald Nightmare’s vile corruption or Inside Out’s Disgust constantly picking at Riley’s actions. “Symbols shift their meanings depending on the context they are used in” (LD Editors). In both works the context that green was used in help separate its positive and negative connotations. While Disgust in Inside Out was generally negatively nit picking fastidiously at Riley’s every move, in the end she did it to protect Riley and prevent her from going near anything that may be harmful to her. The Emerald Dream in Stormrage served as the pinnacle of order and nature and was beneficial to the well-being of the world but once it was corrupted by the nightmare, becoming an abhorrent parody of what once was, doing nothing but spreading fetid rot and twisting the minds of those it came in touch with. As shown, both works use the color in different contexts, displaying the dual effect that it can …show more content…

“Anthropomorphism is describing a non-human entity and attributing it with human traits.” (Nadine). Inside Out’s main character, Riley relied on a council of five personified emotions that resided in her mind to be the administrators of keeping her emotions and her actions balanced and in order. Additionally, In Stormrage many of the characters in particular Tyrande and Broll are induced into elusive nightmares and dreams sent by Malfurion Stormrage that assist in hinting towards the location of Malfuron who is trapped in the Emerald Nightmare at the mercy of the nightmare lord

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