
A Engineer 's Responsibility Is Still Vague Of The Top Demand Professions Of All Time

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Time to wake up

Engineering has been one of the top demand professions of all time. Nevertheless, the awareness of an engineer’s responsibility is still vague in the society. In this concurrent era of technological revolutions, it has become highly relevant to give a definition to this. The question, ‘whether engineer should remain within the limitations/ guidelines of the organizations they work for or not’ finds high relevancy and importance. There are ongoing strong debates on this matter, with a large group arguing engineering is a profession, where one has to make his skills ready to be available for whosoever pays him, as far as that falls within law (Deborah G, 1989). I personally support the contrary to this version, i.e., the …show more content…

The default assumption in the discussion of morality is that, it is wrong to harm others (Kenneth, Andrew, & Samuel C, 1983). As we say each and every person has the same right to live, it readily generates a responsibility to not to disturb other’s lives. In depth, it automatically conveys the message, whose action influences the most- should be most responsible in their works. This demands engineers to hold high standards of responsibility and commitment towards the society.
The basic reason for my stance in this thesis is the importance and unique nature of engineering profession. There are two basic features which differentiates engineering profession. Engineers come across things and products mostly, rather than direct dealings with individual person. Furthermore, engineers work as a part of team or collective unlike most of the other profession (John, 1982). Even though, engineers act in groups, one should remember the fact that one is being governed doesn’t degrade his moral responsibilities. Hence an individual working in a collective can also be said to possess quantifiable amount of moral responsibility towards the society, extend of which depends on the position and role he plays in the collective (Albert & Deborah G, 1983). The relevance of this point can be established by exploring a case study of the deep water gulf oil disaster. Where, the reputed British

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