
A False Self Portrait Of The United States Of America Essay

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The United States of America has been painted as one of the most democratic country in the world. The media, the American people, even the some political scientists like Hartz of Tocqueville have been responsible for painting this self portrait of a democratic, equal, white America in a canvas woven out of fibers made out of just the opposite. This false self-portrait can be demonstrated by the changes American society and economy have undergone, and their impact on today’s politics. These changes have been ones of inequality and injustice in the economic sector and of downward class mobility and increased minority needs in the social sector, and as a result, they have left a mark of dissatisfaction and division in the public opinion, which will greatly tip the balances this election for the candidate that gives society the most hope for change. American economics have had huge changes over their inceptions. Some have been towards equality, but most of them have been towards inequality. These changes towards inequality have been sudden and subtle; just enough for society not to notice the changes in time to oppose them. As Galileo Galilei once said, “Measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so.”, and sadly, for the American people, we have barely been able to measure inequality, but now that we have, it is clear to see the extent to which inequality has gone. In a study done by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez of the top percent incomes throughout the

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