
A Good Man Is Hard And Find By Flannery O ' Connor Essay

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In the poem “A Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’Connor, he argues exactly what his title implies, a good man is hard to find. But the question still remains, what is the elusive definition of a “Good Man”? Technically the definition of a “Good Man” is nonexistent. The people who determine whether someone is a good person or not, they do so by their moral beliefs or codes. So, a good man to one person could be a horrible man to the next person. In this poem, the grandmother implies that certain people are “good” because of what they did, but they are good to her because they have the same moral values as her. Throughout the poem, the grandmother and Misfit live by certain ethic beliefs that affect their actions, perceptions, and decisions. Ethics are beliefs that people live by so they can have a life that they consider to be reasonable and fulfilling. At first, the Misfit seems to be misguided; it is actually the grandmother that ends up showing to be inconsistent and unstable. The grandmother has built her beliefs on the characteristics that she thinks make people “good.” The grandmother repeatedly deceives her family and lacks an essential awareness of the world around her. Although she explains that she has a love for the Christian piety, she is unable to pray when she finds herself in a crisis, and even begins to question the power, and holiness of Jesus. On the other hand, the Misfit’s ethic beliefs remain consistent and strong throughout the poem. Being a

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