
A Good Man Is Hard To Find Essay

Decent Essays

1. Does the grandmother uncover the newspaper that hides the cat in the valise on purpose? I am asking this question since the grandmother doesn’t want to get blame from her son as she comes to know that the old plantation isn’t in Georgia?
2. It is a little bit awkward that even though they know the Misfit is on the loose, they still decides to go on the trip anyway.
3. What will be happened if the grandmother doesn’t say that she recognized the Misfit?
4. What does the statement mean by, “Jesus thown everything off balance?”
5. According to the story, what does it mean not to be good, and what does it mean to be evil?

Response to the story, “A Good Man is Hard to Find.”
“A Good Man is Hard to Find,” is regarded as the O’Connor’s most popular story. As much as it gained attention from the readers, many critics criticized the story as a “grotesque” based on the repulsive type of characters of it. However, some people assumed it as a comedy, or horror story. O’Connor, herself, claims that the heart of the story is …show more content…

Bailey seems to be a good son. However, he definitely knows about his mother’s manner. So, he doesn’t talk very much to his mother. His wife name isn’t mention in the story. The author makes the wife as a woman without any apparent attraction because the wife wears slacks and her face is like a cabbage, and she is only focusing her little one. So, the elder two are misbehaving freely. They both are impolite and obnoxious. Sometimes, they provoke their grandmother’s anger by not showing the respect she wants. The other characters are the owners of the Tower, where the family have barbecued sandwiches. The title of this story, “A Good Man Is Hard to Find,” is the words of Red Sammy Butts, in his conversation with the grandmother. Then, Bobby Lee and Hiram, the two appliances of the Misfits. They both take the whole family, except the grandmother, into the woods and shoot

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