
A Great Book Is Not A Work Of Luck

Decent Essays

Simply created from pieces of paper, ink, and a person 's imagination, books have transformed the human 's daily routines. All books can be broken down into these three basic ingredients but they are set apart by a few items. These small details separate a phenomenal book from a plain novel. A great book is not a work of luck but rather, of skill. A great book has relatable characters, develops an emotional connection to the reader, and features an unpredictable plotline.
Characters are often a figment of the author 's imagination. In order for any media to be appealing to the average human, characters must be relatable. There are many types of characters in a novel, such as a main character vs. a supporting character, a protagonist vs. an antagonist, and a dynamic character vs. a static character. In order for a book to be great, these characters must have a background or some detail of their past history that relates to the book 's audience. For instance, in the first book of Harry Potter, the first few chapters were devoted to introducing the protagonist and antagonist 's backgrounds and their past history in a way that appealed to the preteen age group. With this, the author could build on these characters and have them act certain ways to further the story. Often, when readers get drawn to the story, they have already developed a favourite character and a character they may detest. This makes the book great to them because they feel as if they are a part of the story.

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