
A Greek Hero's Exile Essay

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Throughout history in Greek Mythology heroes undergo a journey through exile. The tribulations on exiled characters change their mental or physical attributes thus being able to give aid to his or her community. The reasoning behind why the hero goes through the strenuous process of exile varies. Several tales the hero’s ability to deny exile is possible, but they reject the option. They venture towards the option to better further their renown, thus give to the community which they receive the most respect from. Punishment may ensue also for previous actions the hero may have partaken in, forcing them into exile. With all the mental and physical lessons learned they improve the culture of the society, although they went through strenuous …show more content…

And you, Jason, will invite the crew to man her, I expect that-by the time your companions have assembled and the well-benched ship is ready to sail-spring blossoms will have become summer flowers. But summer is a good time for sailing the salt sea, for it brings favorable winds, and you will need all the help you can get! (Rosenberg 174) The hero then accepts the option of exile well knowing the consequences he may face, this journey is a part to reclaim the throne for Jason, one to obtain more wisdom. “And so it came to pass that, swift as the wind, the greatest heroes of Hellas accepted Jason’s invitation to accompany him on his quest. For each hero longed for adventure and the opportunity to win the glory that would bring him lasting fame. And soon after they all had arrived, Jason’s well-benched ship, the Argo, was ready to sail upon the salt sea. Jason went forth to join his companions with his heart flooded with the call of glory and lasting fame.” (Rosenberg 174) Throughout the journey Jason gains mental and physical power turning him nearly to a deathless god, which we help him obtain the Golden Fleece, a symbol which he shall contribute to the society. He is greatly helped by a close friend Medea; this is the physical Sterkowicz 3 change that the character undergoes. “The man who covers his body with these drugs will be invincible! she silently exclaimed “ For one day his strength and skill will prevail against any flames from a

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