
A Mental Health Consultant Is An Individual Essay

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A mental health consultant is an individual that has mental health knowledge who goes into a center or head start to help the staff, the children, and the parents with any problem or issue they may have in their center dealing with mental health and the child’s social/emotional development. These mental health consultants also have experience with children ages birth to five years old. They help the centers facilitate inclusion with the children. They help other children who may have trauma in their life because a certain event that happened in their lives. They get all of the information that they can from all points of view before they come up with a plan of action to help the parents, the center and most importantly the children. They will also come back and have meeting to check on the progress that the child, staff, and parents has had from when the plan of action was implemented in the center. These mental health consultants need a lot of knowledge and understanding in the infant and early childhood mental health and the different services as well as the concepts through the different cultures and religions. Every child is different and their families too. They may not be able to do certain things because their religion and believes do not allow it. An example is the family not eating meat, chicken or fish. The center hast to respect that and offer the child and family and alternative food for that child. They need a lot of education on these subject areas. They

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