
A Narrative Of A Hero's Journey Chapter 1

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By the time Peter arrived at the castle the sun was close to setting. He sat down in the solar to read for a little before Adelina came to collect him so they could walk to the chapel together. Afterwards, they walked back to the castle and Adelina finished preparing the deer meat that Peter had caught that day. They didn't like to waste time in eating fresh meat, as it would go off quickly. Adelina was a great cook and Peter loved the vegetables she prepared from the gardens. The two of them ate the meal and chatted about how the estate was going. By the time they were down it was dark and they only light was coming from the fire in the corner. Adelina was tired so she went upstairs to their room. Peter however, hadn’t played the harp in …show more content…

The fighting was non-stop and many men were killed. They had maintained control of the king’s castle but no one was calling it a victory. People looked on at the field of bodies outside the castle and sorrow overcame them. They would pray for the families of the brave men who protected them during the battle but didn't come back out. The surviving knights walked solemnly through the town with the horses at their sides. One lady sat on the stone paths of the town, not caring that they were filthy, praying that her husband would be next to one of the horses. But Peter wasn't there. She cried as the final men walked by and she knew he was gone. She walked back to her castle trembling in grief. She was going to have two children to look after by herself. She would have no one to sit beside her at meals or sing with. She had no one to wait for. She was alone. But she would get through this. Adelina grew strong. She wouldn’t remarry to anyone. She promised to herself she would raise her children to be brave just like their father. She gave birth to a second boy months after Peter had died. She named him Peter II, but the young child died at age two because a disease struck the town. Adeline was heart broken. She now only had Stephan and she treated him with love and care every second of every day. She told him stories of the brave knight Peter Roland and taught him how to be courteous to

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