
A&P Lab

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The Reproductive System Laszlo Vass, Ed.D. Version 42-0025-01-01 Purpose Please explain the purpose of this lab. Include in your explanation the major concepts you learned and any safety concerns associated with the lab. Exercise 1: Microscopic Investigation of Reproductive Structures Observations A. Sketch each slide below and describe the tissues and structures you observed on each slide. 1. Sketch of Testes Pink colored spermatozoa (sperm) were surrounded by spermatocytes (formed after meiosis of spermatogonia) and spermotigonia (precursor to sperm) 2. Sketch of the Ovary The ovary …show more content…

It appears at 18 weeks. E. Why is the 28th week a crucial point in the development of the fetus? At 28 weeks the lungs (surfactant is produced) and brain (folds develop) are mostly formed allowing for the fetus to have a good chance of surviving and being viable E. Describe some of the physiological events that occur in a baby’s body as it is born and leaves the womb behind. The baby begins to breathe through its nose and use its lungs. The hole in the heart begins to close. The digestive system boots up with the baby beginning to feed. ConcLusion How would the removal of the testes or the ovaries affect a man or a woman? Be sure to mention the hormonal implications of such a procedure. The removal of the ovaries would cause a woman to enter menopause. They would lose the ability to produce estrogen, progesterone, and most of testosterone. Hormone replacement therapy would need to be utilized. Additionally, the woman would no longer be able to have her own child as she doesn’t have eggs. For a man, the removal of the testes would render him sterile and he would no longer produce testosterone. As a result, his sex drive will be greatly diminished (or cease). Weight gain and osteoporosis may also

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