
A & P Summary

Decent Essays

Sammy is a nineteen-year-old boy who works at an A&P grocery store in a small conservative town. He’s been working at this A&P for quite some time now so much that he’s become bored with it. He works at the register and to keep himself entertained he pretends that the register is singing a song every time he uses it. Although he’s been working there for some time, it becomes clear that he doesn’t wish to be in that store much longer. It’s also clear that the town that he lives in isn’t somewhere he wants to be either and it isn’t until the day girls came to the store that he begins to act on these dreams by quitting his job. The idea that Sammy is fed up with the life he lives comes from the way he describes the place and people who he sees …show more content…

It seemed insignificant at first but it’s actually important because that’s when Sammy gets a better idea who she is. He realizes that she is richer than he is and she’s in different class than he is. “Her father and the other men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties and the women were in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks off of a big plate and they were all holding drinks the color of water with olives and springs of mint in them” that’s the imagination that Sammy has of her house and the type of place she comes from. He then realizes that her life is more pleasant compared to his where at his they drink lemonade or maybe Schlitz in a tall glass with cartoons on it. As he continues to imagine queenies life, he comes to the conclusion that that is life for him and that’s what he wants rather than working at the …show more content…

Updike did a really good job in telling that theme through a round and dynamic character like Sammy because deep down Sammy knew that the life of an A&P worker living in a small town wasn’t the life he was content with. By seeing these girls who were the complete opposite of what he was used to and who represented the life he’d been dreaming of he was then given that extra push to work for a new life. Any doubt that he had about his dream had been washed away because he saw what he wanted in living flesh through Queenie and her

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