
A Prominent Yet Controversial Leader, Métis-born, Louis Riel Essay

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There is always one person who is responsible for keeping everything under control. This refers to a Métis-born leader widely known as Louis Riel, who is one of the most prominent, yet one of the most controversial figures of Canada during the Red River and the North-West Rebellions. I respectfully disagree that Louis Riel is guilty of high treason, who instead should be granted clemency and not be executed. Although some people may believe this is wrong, they are oblivious of his outstanding accomplishments, such as defending the Métis rights, taking good risks and action, and shaping the province of Manitoba. Louis Riel, a daring man who possesses the qualities of a dominant leader, should be looked upon as an inspiring hero for …show more content…

As many already know, Louis led two main rebellions against the Canadian government, known as the Red River Rebellion in 1869; the time when the Métis were in the threat of losing all their land, and the Northwest Rebellion in 1885; the time when Louis and the Métis took their final stand in Saskatchewan. In addition to this, Louis Riel and his men captured and executed an aggravating English man named Thomas Scott, who was fighting against Métis rights. Tom declared, “You? A bunch of Catholic half-breeds? It would be a sunny day in hell before I’d do a thing you tell me to. What can you do to me you haven’t done already? You and your bunch of cowards don’t scare me one bit.” The continuous threats and malicious remarks had to be put to a stop, therefore leading to his execution he rightfully deserved. His bold acts of rebellion against the government were only out of passion and out of reasons to save the Métis independence. Due to these occurrences, it had established a vital point in Canada that wouldn’t have happened if he never stood up for the Métis. He formed the province of Manitoba. Without the recent rebellions and uprisings, would Manitoba be what it is today? On December 8, 1869, the Provisional government was set up by the Métis. With this already in hand, the government was able to write the Métis Bill of Rights, a list of what the Red River Colony desired to join confederation. Finally, on July 15, 1870, the

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