
A Quote From Anatole Broyard 's ' The Perfect Storm ' And The Glass Menagerie '

Decent Essays

Michael Azzolino
Mrs. Pledger
American Literature 11
14 September 2015

A quote from Anatole Broyard, “It is one of the paradoxes of American Literature that our writers are forever looking back with love and nostalgia at the lives they couldn’t wait to leave.” People reminisce of some of the worst moments in American history with a dampening eye, glossing over all the grit. Out of the populus, the ones who actively present Broyard’s quote as fact are content creators. This trope appears many times in Literature and even other forms of entertainment such as movies, television shows, and certain video games. Three examples of Broyard’s statement show up in the works: The Perfect Storm, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and The Glass …show more content…

Once the bites had picked up and the ship was full, the “Halloween Storm” had begun forming. They pushed on into the nor’easter turned hurricane and were never heard from again. We looked back at these men and their time with lightheartedness, like a quick glimpse of a photo, not really thinking about them or the period itself.
Jumping to the year 1937 at the end of the Great Depression, we witness the tale of a single mother, Amanda her son, Tom, and daughter, Laura. A mother who’s trying to push her daughter into marriage and shoving her son to work while also trying to relive her glory days, a rinse-repeat story in those days. You were either male and slaved in factories for pay like Tom or female and raised to be a housewife to marry a wealthy man. Tom’s an aspiring poet who works in a warehouse while his sister isolates herself because of her shyness and bad leg, and their mother is woman looking for wealth whether her or her daughter acquires it. Amanda sends her son out to find a man for Laura and he brings back Jim O’Connor. Lo and behold, Jim apparently had been Laura’s high school crush. A dinner ensues with the family, ending with an awkward exchange between Jim and Laura where they kiss and it is revealed that Jim has a fiancée. Jim leaves and Amada blames Tom, who eventually loses his job and skips town on them. Another ‘great time period’ where life for most wasn’t well. Yet authors try to shed light on it wherever possible.
A giant leap

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