
A Reflection Of Interview

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The following is a summary of, and, reflection of an interview conducted on a 30 years old lady who was born in Houston, Texas, and, raised there as well, in a very diverse family. The interviewee speaks fluent English. She had never been married, she never had a child. Interviewee’s parents divorced long time ego, due to her father’s drinking problem. Both of her parents remarried. She has one brother, two step brothers, and, two step sisters. She leaves in a house with two roommates. She has a bachelor degree of science, second year student of Master of Art in Counseling in Houston Baptist University. She is a teacher, and, she loves to work with children. After gathering some general information about her, the second step of the interview was to identify the meaning of her name, and, if it was a common name in her culture. ‘Madelyn’ (her first name) is a name of a famous French cookie, the cookie which looks like a shell, her father named her after that cookie. It’s not a famous name in their culture, but, her middle name ‘Janet’ is a very famous name for girls in her mother’s culture (Native American culture). The interviewee’s mother is Native American, and her father is German-Jewish who was adopted by Irish-French couple who were American citizens. She was pretty in contact to all of these cultures. She lives for most of her life in Houston, Texas, and, she always was in contact with diverse cultures, but, the interviewee believed that her culture is more German, than American, or, Native American. The interviewee explained that her native language is English, but, she can speak fluently Spanish, also, she knows German, and Italian too. She explained that she is very interested to learn about different cultures, and languages. The interviewee stated that she traveled to different European, Middle east, and Asian countries. She stayed in Germany for almost a year. She enjoyed to stay there, since It was a big help for her to learn more about her culture. She mentioned that she traveled to Turkey twice, and stayed for whole summer, but, she couldn’t feel any connection with Turkish culture due to lower respect to the women in Turkey. Next question that was asked if

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