
A Research Study On Bilingual Infants

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Literature Infants learn different languages by being exposed to them from their surroundings. Infants are capable of learning not just one language but multiple languages. This capability is because infants differentiate languages by using auditory and visual cues. Studies have shown that bilingual infants follow a different path than monolingual infants. Bosch and Sebastian-Galles (2003) tested infants from 4 to 12 months who spoke Spanish and Catalan on vowels that are phonemic to infants who know Catalan. Infants who were 8 months and monolinguals differentiated the vowels while bilinguals took till they were 12 months. Meanwhile, Burns, Yoshida, Hill, and Werker 's (2007) study showed that bilingual infants can discriminate and …show more content…

Both groups reported the amount of time the infants listened to their native languages. Later the groups were sent to a laboratory and went through the MEG, magnetoencephalography; defined by window than polarity, procedure. The groups that tested successfully had to fill out a questionnaire. The infants were kept controlled by checking if they had any ear infections and were born full term. The MEG machine is used to measure the infant’s phonetic sensitivity of English and Spanish. Socioeconomic status, SES, was checked. Some participants were from families with high SES and the other portion were from families with low SES. It was not consistent and could affect the results. Language exposure was also being checked. Whether the child had enough exposure to English and Spanish resulted if the infants could continue to be in the experiment. The monolingual infants were exposed to English while the bilingual infants were exposed to both languages This study is a case control. Case-control explores what makes a group different from the others. The point of this research is to check the difference among both monolingual and bilingual infants. By using the study design, the researchers explored the issue, but it carries some difficulties. It is difficult to know what factors are responsible for the outcomes/results. The study design is appropriate because it compares both bilingual and monolingual infants. Results and Conclusion - The Analysis Per the

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