
A Research Study On Finance And Economics

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Two years ago while I offered a research job at Cambridge in applied economics, one of my friends jokingly quipped that one day I would be the next Raghuram Rajan, who had just taken over as the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India following his academic position. I smiled as I had then not considered the possibility of becoming an academic who could wield such power in designing policies to govern the financial institution of the world 's largest democracy. In retrospect, this does not seem very far from the truth with respect to my long-term career goals. I consider it a privilege to contribute meaningful work that would improve the financial standards in my country. My interest in a quantitative field like finance and economics comes as no surprise, since Mathematics is one of my favorite subjects and my forte right from secondary school. The power of these subjects to cater to practical applications in the real-world setting led to my close involvement with them, which was also instrumental for my qualifying for the Indian National Mathematics Olympiad. For my undergraduate studies, I chose Mechanical Engineering over the other options, at one of the top universities for this discipline in my country, due to its significant quantitative content and for the possibility of applying those tools to solving complex problems, which I did. The rigorous pure math training spanning 3 semesters including topics in linear and vector algebra, multivariate calculus, differential

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