
A Rose for Emily by Charles Faulkner

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In “A Rose for Emily”, Charles Faulkner used a series of flashbacks and foreshadowing to tell Miss Emily’s story. Miss Emily is an interesting character, to say the least. In such a short story of her life, as told from the prospective of a townsperson, who had been nearly eighty as Miss Emily had been, in order to tell the story from their own perspective. Faulkner set up the story in Mississippi, in a world he knew of in his own lifetime. Inspired by a southern outlook that had been touched by the Civil War memory, the touch of what we would now look at as racism, gives the southern aroma of the period. It sets up Miss Emily’s southern belle status and social standing she had been born into, loner or not. As the story begins you see …show more content…

Between the smell and the purchasing the arsenic it provides enough of a background to the story that perhaps she is to kill someone. While the town suggested it amongst themselves that she was to use the arsenic to commit suicide following the death of her father, the arsenic is forgotten about once the suitor, Homer Barron, comes into the picture. However, it seems that Homer abandoned her. With the Negro manservant giving no information, as he speaks to no one while going to market, everyone is still clueless. In the end, with her death, which is where the story begins, Miss Emily is the talk of the town. Not because people truly mourn her, but because people are curious about the life she had lived in secret, in her big house, for all those years. People pitied her, it was as had been left alone in the world and seemed to have wished it that way. Perhaps Miss Emily had wished it that way. Faulkner tells of her two cousins, who come at her death notice at once, the same cousins who visited when she was courting Homer Barron. It was the cousins who had been there when she was ordering men’s things, giving the town belief that Miss Emily and Homer had wed. That she had changed the proclaimed bachelor’s opinion on nuptials. At her death it was known that there was a room above the stairs that no one had seen in forty years. Not even the few who were allowed in the home for china painting classes some years ago at least. The townspeople explored the

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