
A Short Note On A Functional Laryngeal Disorder

Decent Essays

Case Study #1
A functional laryngeal disorder is one that does not have a known physical cause. Functional laryngeal disorders are recognized as the misuse of the laryngeal apparatus or the larynx being used in an abusive manner. One type of a functional laryngeal disorder is a vocal fold polyp. A vocal fold polyp is a singular occurrence on one vocal cord or both. A polyp is a growth which resembles a blister like bump. In addition, a hemorrhage is a blood vessel that ruptures which causes a collection of blood within the layers of the vocal cord, this can be seen as a bruise on the vocal cord. Adele has suffered from a vocal fold polyp with hemorrhage.
There is no known specific cause for the development of polyps, but there are several risk factors. The two most common factors that contribute to a polyp’s formation are vocal abuse and misuse; they can also form from one simple traumatic event. Polyps can develop from allergies, singing, yelling, chronic coughing, talking loudly, inhaling irritating substances, and long term smoking or drinking. For example, the vocal folds vibrate at an immense rate where they then come in contact with each other causing stress on the vocal folds. Speaking, yelling or singing for a prolonged period can cause them to swell. If you do not rest and continue to use your voice the swelling can turn into a polyp, this is an example of vocal abuse. Vocal fold polyps are known to be benign meaning they are noncancerous and noncontagious. In

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