
A Short Story : A Story?

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The dirt men marched into the valley of death, they had just retreated from a bloody battle in enemy territory. Their enemy, the forest men. They stopped in a small cave as the sun sunk below the horizon. "That was horrible!" General Brock cried, "get some rest," he sighed, looking at his tired out, and depressed soldiers. They all rested, that was their mistake. "The forest men attacked! the dirt army had no chance and they were all killed!" Jean's mother pushed the little green army men toward the tan soldiers, imitating gunfire. "No!" 6-year-old Jean said. "Sorry, Hun, the green army is way too strong" she flexed her arms and growled. Jean giggled. BEEP BEEP "supper is ready." mom said and kissed his forehead. Jean jumped up onto his chair, while mom pulled out the lasagna. They ate. "It good!" Jean said mouth full "Now you know better than to eat with your mouth full." There was a knock on the door mom went to the door. which was visible in the kitchen. she opened the door to a gun to the head. "Hello, Susan." "I love you, Je-" BANG! As she fell Jean's heart fell with her. "Shame, kiddo, she was a nice gal." he said, the words slipping through a sick smile "Well as much as I would love to keep you but..." he pointed the gun at my head "no witnesses, boss's orders." the words bounced around in my head. BANG! The lights went out. "No witnesses, boss's orders." repeated in Jean's head over and over. "Why, who sent that jerk." Jean thought, "What did that guy have

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