
A Short Story : A Story?

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“Hello, Sweetheart,” she said, as she poured another cup of coffee as he sat down at the counter beside her. “Sweetheart, my ass, I called you to have lunch with us and as usual your phone was off or the batteries needed charging. Why carry a phone if you don’t answer the damn thing?” “Sorry, I didn’t charge it last night, and left it on Mom’s counter when we came back from lunch.” Shrugging her shoulders, Marlene asked, “Where’s your father?” Sipping his coffee, Jerry said, “He’ll be in shortly, he’s checking the radio in Mark’s car.” What upset him? Marlene wondered and worried if he had overheard her talking to her mother. However, Marlene didn’t dare to ask him about it, instead, he kissed her on the cheek and asked, “Are you alright?” +++ Waking up on a Saturday morning with the shining through the bedroom window, noticing his wife, Margaret still sleeping, picking up his robe, Andrew crept toward the bedroom door. Sitting up in bed, Margaret asked, “And just where are you going?” “Where am I going?” He repeated it, as he turned around and said, “I want to make breakfast for the love of my life since I don’t get to do it often.” “You’re the greatest husband ever, but I want to sleep a bit longer,” she said, yawning, and stretching, as she pulled the sheet over her head. “Enjoy it, I’ll return,” he said, going out the door and down the hallway. “Thanks.” After fixing the coffee and toast, proudly Andrew

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