
A Short Story : Sleepy Bones And Ichabod

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Sleepy Hollow isn’t like other towns in the middle of the day. Sleepy Hollow has clouds hanging low and dark days. It remains gloomy throughout the whole day. The town appears depressed and lonesome. Chilling winds blew fall leaves across the town’s road. The whole story begins with a girl in the town named Katrina. Katrina was well desired by all and easy on the eyes. Two men, Brom Bones and Ichabod, fell in love. Brom Bones was a very strong, handsome, fit man. Ichabod was not as handsome nor the fittest but he did not lack in personality. Brom Bones enjoyed watching Ichabod make a fool of himself and sometimes he even added onto the embarrassment. Ichabod was a school teacher and did very well with his students and their mothers. He hung out in their houses, cooked, and sang with them. The women in the town thought very fondly of Ichabod. “I do not get why Ichabod has all the girls just falling all over him, he is not big like me.” Brom Bones said to himself. Brom Bones and Ichabod began a rivalry with one another as they fought over the heart of Katrina. They both spent their time with Katrina. Katrina, of course, loved the attention. She could not decide between the strong Brom Bones or the sweet Ichabod, so the feud continued. One night Katrina and her father had a party and all of the town showed at her house. Brom Bones and Ichabod were both ready to charm their way into becoming whom Katrina loved. “Tonight i hope to make the lovely Katrina mine.” said

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