
A Sound Of Thunder Vs Being Prey Essay

Decent Essays

In both “A Sound of Thunder” and “Being Prey” the protagonists must face consequences due to their poor decisions. There are also many similarities and differences in the conflict, setting, and the protagonists of the story. A difference between the settings of the two texts are that in the text “A Sound of Thunder” the setting takes place in a prehistoric jungle, as well as the future. However in “Being Prey” the setting takes place in a modern day swampy marshland located in Australia. Another difference between the two text’s settings is that it is dangerous. In “A Sound of Thunder” the setting could be considered dangerous because of the fact that it is a prehistoric jungle and it has many dangerous dinosaurs, for example the T-Rex that attacked Eckles and Travis. In “Being Prey” the setting could be considered dangerous due to the crocodiles located there, the crocodile located in the river mauls …show more content…

In “A Sound of Thunder” Eckles ignores Travis’ advice and runs off the path to escape a T-Rex. In “Being Prey” Plumwood ignores the warning “don’t go onto the main river”, because she ignores this warning she is attacked by a crocodile lurking there. Plumwood also ignores the warning not to exit her canoe on the riverbank, while nothing bad happens because of this action she still ignored the warning. Some differences between the two protagonists are that at the end of “A Sound of Thunder” Eckles ends up losing his life because of his actions. However in “Being Prey” Plumwood suffers injuries, however doesn’t lose her life because of her actions. Another difference between the two protagonists is that in “Being Prey” admits that the reason she was attacked was because she intruded on the crocodile’s territory. In “A Sound of Thunder” Eckles uses the T-Rex attack as an excuse for running off the path and changing the

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