
A Stereotypical Representation Of Females During Victorian Period

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Daphne Du Maurier and Charlotte Brontë present their narrators as a stereotypical representation of females during Victorian period. Throughout history the archetypes of the heroine have vastly changed from being dependant victims to independent strong females. Jane Eyre and the narrator are both oppressed by patriarchy, where men were the makers and enforcers of social and political rules. The unnamed narrator and Jane could be seen as a microcosm of their respective societies, as females were demarcated as “timid”, “dependent” (AQA Critical Anthology) unlike males who were physically and mentally strong. Both Brontë and Du Maurier instantly evoke sympathy for the characters by representing them as weak, indecisive and timid through; …show more content…

Du Maurier uses the Rebecca to subvert from the norm in terms of gender expectations. It is only after Maxim tells the narrator the truth does she feel comfortable and confident with the title of being Maxim’s wife and to implement authority on Manderley.
Unlike Du Maurier, Brontë presents Jane Eyre as a timid, "little thing" having no clear identity. Contrasting to the narrator, Jane Eyre is not overwhelmed by the fact she is not as beautiful as others or by the difficulties she is presented with. All the power emboldens her personality from which she learns how to live and how to be strong. Jane Eyre creates a new image for women as she represents those middle-class working women who were struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality. Brontë provided the narrator with the name “Jane” which has contradictory meanings. The name “Jane” is an old name meaning is wonderful. It is often associated with strong and powerful women however, it is seen a morbid and simple name associated with timid victims. For a vulnerable and short one-syllable name, the name provides the character with the correct balance of victimisation compared to assertion. It is thought that people with the name Jane have a deep inner desire for a stable family life which she described to be “restrained and simplified, it sounded more credible." Jane dreams of an

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