
A Summary Of The Short StoryScarlet Ibis

Decent Essays

Everyone is faced with struggles throughout their life; however people find their own unique ways to thrive through hardships. In the short story Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst you learn about a child named Doodle born with a medical condition but through not giving up, being brave, working hard, he was able to overcome some challenges. Only, to be pushed too far to death by his older brother who did not want to pull his brother in a wagon.

With a family already preparing to bury this little baby boy in a coffin before he would see three months Doodle has other ideas of when his life will come to an end. Wanting nothing else in the world the narrator wanted a brother who was just as athletically capable as him, only with great fight would that be possible. Everyone from the family knew that he would never be all straight in the head. “However, one afternoon as I watched him him, my head poked between the iron post of the foot of the bed, he looked straight at me, and grinned. I skipped through the rooms, down the echoing halls, shouting, “Mama, he smiled. He’s all there! He’s all there!” and he was. Doodle was given the adversity of this heart condition but he had proved everyone wrong once and he would definitely do it several more times and continue to fight for a better life.“Trembling, he’d push himself up, turning first red, then a soft purple, and finally collapse back onto the bed like a an old worn out doll.” Doodle did not give up easily he wanted better for his life, just like his brother had wished for. Doodle may have been born invalid at birth,but he sure wasn't going to stay that way. Doodle prevailed during his time he also was a fighter and battled to get stronger and better with his older brothers help.

Not wanting to be pulled down by a wagon on the daily from pulling Doodle his brother set out to help him learn to walk after showing Doodle the casket that was made for him when he was just a baby. Teaching him to walk this would not be a easy process since he could only barely crawl. Doodle would need to gather all the muscle he could and work very hard to accomplish being able to walk. Working daily down in Horsehead Landing through the tough days they were able to get Doodles strength to

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