
Abigail And Goody Proctor Character Analysis

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Abigail is the person most responsible for the hysteria brought in Salem. She started the whole thing by asking Tituba for a charm. When Betty pretends to be ail she threatens all the girls with “a pointy reckoning” making sure they will not tell the truth (26). If they did tell the truth Abigail, who wanted the charm to kill Goody Proctor, would be punished the most and her name would be tarnished. When Reverend Hale believes it is the work of the devil Abigail lies saying Tituba made her. When Tituba confesses to witchery in order to save herself Abigail sees her chance to manipulate the situation, bringing in the girls with her. Betty is another important character that causes the hysteria in Salem. Betty knows that they will be in

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