
Abolitionist As Abolitionism

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abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. My works earned me the name of “The living counter-argument” against slaveholder’s claims that slaves lacked enough intelligence to become functional American citizens (Douglass, para. 10). After the publication of my first autobiography, many believed that the publicity garnered from the book would gain the attention my last master Hugh auld. They thought that he would come for me and suggested that I travel to Ireland like many other slaves had done before. In Ireland, the sense of freedom and equality there astounded me. For the first time in my life, I felt like an ordinary citizen. Nobody gazed at me as like I was a wild livestock roaming down a street. I can enter the same buildings through the same doors as white people can. Nobody comes to me and says anything when I sit with them. No one offers objection and tries to guide me out saying “We don’t serve niggers here.” (Douglas, para 27). I spent nearly two years in overseas traveling and giving lectures in churches, I have traveled this route over a million times. I met Thomas Clarkson in 1846. He was one of the last living abolitionist in England who helped bring an end to slavery in Great Britain colonies. During this travel, I also finally became legally free, thank to the help of Anna Richardson and her sister Ellen and others who raised funds to by my freedom. Though I was encouraged by many to stay in Ireland, I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving my wife and

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