
Aboriginals from Canada Battle for Their Rights Essay

Decent Essays

Aboriginals are the indigenous people of Canada and have been around for thousands of years. But it has not been until recently that they have been integrated into the outsider culture. In return, Aboriginals have been protesting across battle in an effort to be recognized and have their rights adhered to. They have been raising concerns that the government and industry have failed to consult with them when it came to development projects on their land. The issues are two-fold: in the past there have been large dams built on Native territory, as they are concerned with the impacts on fish and wildlife, and the fact that it destroys rivers and jobs. Secondly, the impact the government has had on the sovereignty of Aboriginals and how …show more content…

They also block travel of important nutrients and natural materials which are important for wildlife growth. Another significant impact is the upstream river section becoming a larger slack-water reservoir, which changes in temperature, oxygen levels and physical properties, ultimately modifying the wildlife species habitats.
If it difficult for the Aboriginals to unite against the government, so they can unite a local level using protests which ultimately gather lots of news coverage through television and radio. The internet and e-mail has allowed Aboriginals to establish a connection to face the negative impacts of external development on their lands. Another strategy is to hire technical advisors which will investigate the impacts of the dam on Aboriginals and the environment. This allows the Aboriginals to gain access to weaknesses in the dams development plans which they can use to halt construction of a dam, but in the case of the Rupert's Project in Quebec, it did not change the Review Panel's decision. More recently was the protest against Manitoba's $1.3 billion hydroelectric dam project. Many of the Aboriginals lined up to prevent workers to the construction site. Their main objective was to get the attention of the managers and government to show that their rights as future workers of the dam are not being met. They say that at least one third of the workers at the site are to be of the local area.

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