
Essay about Abraham Lincoln and The Voice of The Abolitionists

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Slaves had an expanding economic force for the Europeans. “Trade between the Europeans and Africans created the first route of the triangular slave trade”. African citizens were “forcibly removed from their homes to never return”. Sales of Africans were classified as having the full cooperation of the “African kings” in return for various trade and goods. Africans who were exchanged were forced to walk chained to the coast of the Indian Ocean. Once at the coast they were stripped of all their clothes, men, women and children all alike with just a loincloth, or strips of blue tap for women to cover their chest area. Once the Africans boarded the ship they were divided by sex, males in the bowel of the ship and the women on the upper …show more content…

Lincoln argued interestingly enough that he did not believe that slavery was wrong, and, he did not believe that blacks and whites should have similar rights. Nor did he believe blacks should have the same social and political rights as whites. In 1858, Stephen Douglas during a debate accused Lincoln of supporting “negro equality”, in which he rebutted with stating, “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races”. He maintained his argument stating that he was against blacks voting, to serve in juries, to hold a political office, or to intermix in marriage. Lincoln did believe that all men have a right to better ways to live, succeed and to enjoy “fruits of their labor”. Lincoln saw that this one point was how blacks should be held equal to whites, and that slavery was wrong. As time went on his views changed on “social and political” equality. He also began to believe that slavery was morally wrong, but he was fighting the highest “sanctions of the law in the land”, the “Constitution. The word “slavery” was not written in this way so this became the difficult area for him to argue. Slavery not being the key word to work with, instead his work was done with key clauses that protected this institution, such as “including a fugitive slave clause, and the three-fifths

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