
Absence Seizure Research Paper

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Several people suffer from grand mal seizures but what if you suffered from another seizure and never knew anything was happening, this is called an absence seizure. When a absent seizure occurs the regular electricity of the brain is interrupted. although absent seizures do not look like much when they occur they still can be as dangerous as grand mal seizures. These absent seizures, formerly called petit mal, have impacted my life and I have several gaps of time missing from me. Absence seizures most likely occur at a young age but are often outgrown by 18. With later onset of absence seizures there is a higher chance that they will stay into adulthood. The signs that someone is having a seizure are very subtle and happen only for a few seconds at a time, so the chances of catching one is small.

The brain
In the brain there is a irregular electricity that causes absence seizures. The main way to see is someone is having an absence seizure is to put them through an Electroencephalography or EEG for short. This monitors the brain waves through various wave lengths but in the case of absence seizures we are looking for a 3-Hz spike in the brain waves. This tells us if they are having an absence seizure in some other …show more content…

The only danger is doing an activity and the risk of having one at the same time. This is why if you have absence seizures then you should not drive. Once i thought i had an episode while driving and i didn't drive for 2 months while I got retested to see if they came back. there is no need to put your life at risk as well as others just to drive. Nothing really changes in your life it you don't let it. Absence seizures need to be taken care of by meds but since it mainly occurs in adolescence there is no real risk for the future. There are a wide range of medication to help absence seizures all with some draw backs but worth it in the long run. missing gaps of time is a real

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