
Absolute Money Does Not Buy Happiness?

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Is happiness so cheap that you can buy it with money? Economics have proved that money cannot buy happiness by performing an experiment in which they used a scenario which describe that United States average income increased. People who say they are very happy has not increased which shows that higher income does not tells you how happy you are and does not gives you guarantee for your happiness in future (Lee 385). Absolute money does not define our happiness we only get happy if our income is better than our relatives. We do not know what happiness is and we ourselves substitute money with happiness; hence, we end up running for something we would never receive. The person who runs behind money does not improve his happiness but gets greedy to get everything he can. Experts such as Dwight Lee believe more money does not promise you happiness in future. People believe more educated person is happier than illiterate person but Lee states that “I don’t feel any happier today that I recall feeling as a graduate student, even though my income and wealth are much higher now” (Lee 388). Author comments that people still does not get happy even though when they do their dream job, earn more money than they ever thought, but get jealous when they see that people around them are getting more salary. Through the data experts finds ''In the United States, real income per capita has more than doubled since 1950, yet the percentage who say they are "not they are "very

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