
Abusive Relationships In The Beautiful And Dark By Rosa Montero

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There are many types of abusive relationships, and the novel Beautiful and Dark covers a variety of them. The novel shows how one abusive person can affect everyone in the physical and mental abuse, child and spousal abuse, and the kind of people who abuses everyone around them, including friends and coworkers. This paper will cover how Rosa Montero brings the issue of abuse to the reader and forces us to think about the effects. The most prominent show of abuse in the Beautiful and Dark would have to be the boy, Chico. We should start with his father, Segundo. Certain pages in the text so a form of neglect was part of Segundo’s life. His mother, Grandmother Barbara preferred her first born son very publicly. There are multiple lines in the …show more content…

Both of their reactions are most likely caused from being abused for so long. In a study recorded by Cindy Sousa, Todd I. Herrenkohl, Carrie A. Moylan, Emiko A. Tajima, J. Bart Klika, Roy C. Herrenkohl, and M. Jean Russo there have been links from children exposed to spousal abuse and depression, drug abuse, and school dropout. This is relevant because Segundo is abusive towards his wife, Amanda. Chico sees this abuse on a regular basis. Sousa went as far to state that child abuse and exposure to domestic violence often happen at the same time. The fact that the two types of abuse happen at the same time in most cases makes distinguishing which effect is from the exposure or the physical act of abuse. Grandmother Barbara can even be accused of neglecting Chico. She refers to him as the boy and never talks to him or spends time with him like she does with the narrator. The grandmother often would command the narrator to keeps her company, whether in her rooms of while going on trips to the city or cemetery. She never has Chico do any of those things with her. To solidify her neglectful ways, there is a passage when Grandmother is talking to the narrator about how …show more content…

The kind of abuse she goes through is subtler and not as easy to observe. She experiences neglect throughout the whole novel. Her kind of neglect is from having an absent father. In the beginning of the novel the narrator is meeting with her family and waits for her father throughout the entire timeline until the very end. At the end when Maximo finally shows up, the narrator finally learns her name. her family, at least grandmother Barbara should have known her name. she learns her name is Baba, her word of comfort. Her father is there only long enough to name her and give her a picture of herself, stating that it is her grandmother. Once he leaves he does not come back, even though he had promised that he would. She waits for him all night to comeback, but he never does. This is not as obvious of an abuse as Chico, but such events can cause a person to become detached and afraid of commitment later in

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