
Accused Of Being A Witch In Nigeria

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I read a story that was quite disturbing and left me shocked. The story was entitled “Dramatic Rescue of Two-year-old Boy Accused of Being a Witch in Nigeria” by Stephanie Busari and was published by CNN dated February 19, 2016( The story talks about the rescue of a boy who was abandoned by his family after he was accused of being a witch.

Busari reported that a Danish aid worker Anja Ringgren Loven rescued a two-year-old boy, Hope, from Uyo, South Nigeria (Busari 2016). According to Busari, Hope had been living on the streets and was surviving on scraps of food (Busari 2016). Hope was pervaded with worms and was in dire need of medical attention when Loven found him (Busari 2016). Loven posted on Facebook “Thousands …show more content…

As discussed in Irving Hexham’s book Understanding World Religions, belief in witches arises from the structure of traditional African beliefs (Hexham 2011, 65). Witches are thought to use psychic forces to inflict harm to people around them (Hexham 2011, 66). Belief in innate power is not a question and these powers may be used for doing evil (Hexham 2011, 67). Due to the possession of such powers locals have been fearful of witches and under the British rule of Africa, the practice of witchcraft was illegal and those accused were punished (Hexham 2011, 68). Witches were thought to cast spells which may cause illness and death, due to this reason traditionally convicted witches were burned alive (Hexham 2011,68). Such beliefs are carried on by generations and shape the worldviews of traditional Africans. These worldviews have a major influence on the lives of locals. Such beliefs caused the family of hope to abandon him, as they feared he might cause them more harm than good. Strong belief in witchcraft enables them to take actions that otherwise would not have been taken.

Traditional beliefs about witchcraft have caused people to disown their young children, which I believe is immoral. To a certain extent people are using the excuse of children being witches to disown their children that have physical or mental disabilities, which is unethical and very disturbing. A young boy who can barely walk cannot cause any harm to society. I believe that traditional African’s decisions are influenced by their strong belief in witchcraft, an increase in education can eliminate such backwards and barbaric practices from

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