
Achilles and the Tortoise

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Achilles and the Tortoise Zeno of Elea was a renowned Greek philosopher who lived around 430BC – 490BC. His most famous work was his creation of various different paradoxes. Considered to immeasurably subtle yet profound, Zeno’s “Argument against Motion” paradoxes were the most widely studied of his works. Zeno’s ‘Achilles and the Tortoise’ paradox dealt with the concept of a decreasing infinity. In his paradox Zeno established a setting where a Greek soldier named Achilles is pitted against a tortoise in a foot race. In order to make the race seem fairer, the tortoise is awarded to start a certain distance in front of Achilles. It is the supposed that the two run at a constant speed, even if Achilles’ velocity is of a greater magnitude than that of the tortoise. At some point in time, Achilles will reach the point at which the tortoise started from. However, the tortoise would have already moved a distance further. Again Achilles would catch up to the point where the tortoise was, when Achilles reached the tortoise’s start point. In the duration that Achilles reaches the new checkpoint, again the tortoise will have moved a certain distance. Thus, whenever Achilles reaches somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has a new distance to cover. According to Zeno, in theory Achilles would not be able to catch up to the tortoise. Although the distance between them will be decreasing, it will be decreasing by an infinite number of times. This series will drive on to infinity,

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