
The Power Of Words In 1984 By George Orwell

Decent Essays

Actions speak louder than words. It is all too easy to proclaim your support for a cause of your passionate belief to an idea, but it reveals more about yourself when you take action to support that cause or belief. While people may be tied by social norms to say certain things or perhaps intending to deceive by their words, the choices they actually make do more to reveal their true self because actions require a real expenditure of effert and often requires a risk taking. George Orwell's 1984 and Robespierre's actions in the French Revolution show how the choices one makes can reveal more than socially required or deceitful words.
Orwell's 1984 demonstrates how an individual's choices can reveal their true character underneath layers of socially created ideas and thoughts. Winston's job is to "correct" history and to help further the oppressive truth regime of Big Brother, Winston's words are guided by the threat of constant surveillance by the oppressive rules of his society. Secretly, he …show more content…

Although professing to be a supporter of equality, rights, and liberal ideas on the surface, Robespierre reveals little of himself through his words. The era in which he held power was called The Terror for good reason. Behind his false words, Robespierre sent his political opponents to the guillotine and established one of the most oppressive regimes history had ever seen. A person studying Robespierre's words would find a man of liberal ideals, but a person who looked at his choices and actions would rightfully discover the power-mongering behind those words. Robespierre's reign during the French Revolution demonstrates how words can be deceiving and that one's choices always reveal more about them than words do because they reveal the true convictions and character of someone while words can be said with the utmost

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