
Addiction Literature Review

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Treating individuals with addiction struggles can be difficult for the individual and the people involved. There is a process for the individual to go through to realize they have a problem and that they need to get treatment. This literature review is going to show various ways people can treat addiction through different treatment programs. The studies will examine treatments that were tested and if the results were beneficial and successful. Various components need to go into a treatment plan and counselors are a big part of the treatment process because they are assessing, creating, and deciding what treatment and recovery is best for the client. Having these research studies allows the counselor to learn about different treatments, so that they can choose what works best for their client that may be suffering from addiction and is ready for treatment.
Treatment Effectiveness Assessment Some traditional tools for treating addiction can be very expensive and time consuming. However, these traditional tools do not provide counselors with patient-centered information that is relevant and meaningful to the client and to their substance abuse disorder. Treatment Effectiveness Assessment (TEA) is an assessment to improve the ability to understand the clients progress in their treatment. This tool is cost effective and is simple to administer and take. According to Farabee, Liepa, Ling, and Wu (2012) “the Treatment Effectiveness Assessment (TEA) elicits patient

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