
Administ And Feminism In Nathaniel Hawthorne's Young Goodman Brown

Decent Essays

Nathaniel Hawthorne is thought to be seen as a feminists, while others see him as anti-feminist. In these times of feminism, Hawthorne can be accused of portraying his female characters as not having any power, or powerless individuals, but rather as “innocent” victims. In Young Goodman Brown, he includes feminism in his writing by including boys murdering their fathers to inherit their money and young women killing and burying their infants to maintain their pure appearances. Not only does he portray them as submissive, he also includes one that’s the complete opposite as well. Young Goodman Brown thinks all of the world is pure and good but with the devil trying to turn it evil with his witches and sinners. After his meeting with his fellow-traveller, his whole view on society and has flipped upside down. He was brought to his conversion into satanism along with his wife who was being “baptized” with blood into satanism. Same thing happened to his parents where is mom was brought to the conversion by her husband even if she did resist to it. “He could have well-nigh sworn that the shape of his own dead father beckoned him to advance, looking downward from a smoke wreath, while a woman, with dim features of despair, threw out her hand to warn him back. Was it his mother?” (Paragraph 62)
Before and during the “dream” of the conversion in the forest, Goodman Brown seems more like a father than like a newlywed husband to Faith who is described as sweet and pretty because of

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