
Adolf Hitler Genius

Decent Essays

In my personal opinion I have come to believe that Adolf Hitler was a very brilliant and intelligent man with many great ideas. Although, his ideas and/or thoughts at the time, were used for the wrong reasons, it is hard to deny the fact that he was a genius. Not just in what event but the psychology behind the war. In the eyes of the world today Hitler was an evil man that used his intelligence for the wrong reasons, during the war, hitler invented numerous weapon systems such as; the Messerchmitt Me 26 that was the first combat jet, the v-1 which was the first cruise missile, and the v-2 which was the first powered ballistic missile which was one of the most famous weapons that was never mass produced due to the fact that it stayed in the prototype stages throughout the war and was given up on after the war. Not only did he invent some of the weapons used to this day, he used what we know called the …show more content…

When the ordinary, normal-doctors, lawyers, teachers, etc- were given the feeling of power and small orders on how to treat the jews is the moment the lucifer effect happened. The Stanford Prison Experiment taught us that it is easy to treat someone terribly when you don’t think of them as human at all but simply of piece of meat that the guards had to “take care of”. Eventually, in The Stanford Prison experiment, the guards were given little to no instruction but within 24-hours they started taking on the role themselves with no guidance. All Hitler had to do is get his foot-in-the-door and psychology lead its course. Psychology as proven that all it takes for ordinary, normal, and good people to do evil is encouragement by someone they see as an authority

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