
Adoption Statistics : National Adoption

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In a perfect world, all children would be loved and nurtured and live in a cozy home with a stable family. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In the United States “over 400,000 American children are in foster care, taken away when their families are in crisis and can’t take care of them” (“Statistics on Foster Care”). Out of all those children in the foster care system about “114,556 of these children are available for adoption”, which means the biological parents’ rights have been legally terminated through the court system (“Adoption Statistics: National Adoption Month”). That is an immense number of children who do not get to have the same bond and love that a biological child would get from their own parents. The foster care …show more content…

Whether the child is a biological child or a foster child, both deserve to always have stability, support and a loving place to call home, even if it is temporarily. Most biological children have all of these benefits since they reside with the birth parents. The biological parents will always stand by their children and take care of them. Birth parents will always provide a roof over their child’s head, love them with all their hearts and support them in any and all decisions the child may make growing up, while showing them right and wrong decisions. The child may not always make the best decisions, but the parents stay hopeful and stand by them every step of the way. All of those things sound great; however, with a foster child they were not provided the same love and care and were removed from their birth parents. Even though they are no longer with their birth parents, it is the foster parents’ job to love, care, cherish and support the child in the decisions he or she will make, but also guide them down the right path and show them what a loving family is made of. Even if you only have the child for a few months, you have the ability to teach the child lifelong lessons and set positive examples for how healthy families should function, which the child may not have been taught by his or her birth parents. As you see the foster child grow and learn what a loving family is and just see the smile on the child’s face, knowing that they are now loved and cared for is

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