
Advantages Of Community Oriented Policing

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Community oriented policing is a policing strategy based on the idea that community interaction and support can help control crime and reduce fear. In this method leaders and members of the community help law enforcement by helping to identify suspects, and alert police of potential crimes or problems that they should know about. Community oriented policing was created in the mid-20th century. Between the years of 1930 and 1960, law enforcement personnel used a specialized policing model that was developed from a para-military design. The model consisted of tiered structures, effective and quick response times, and the use of patrol vehicles. Up until the late 1960’s this method worked flawlessly. During the 1960’s the number of civil disputes increased drastically within the United States, and the professional policing model that was currently being used was no longer effective. During this time, the law enforcement officers, and the people that they served were at odds. In order to fix this problem, the team policing model was used. Team policing placed certain officers in specific areas in which they would stay and patrol. The officers were supposed to get to know the people within that neighborhood and build relationships with them in order to gain information from them. This model failed because it was a long-term problem solver and not a short-term problem solver or preventative action. Essentially, rather than detectives going into communities and gathering

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