
Advantages Of Drug Decriminalization

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The argument for drug decriminalization has two sides. The first side is the opinions of prohibitionists. They believe that recreational drugs should be prohibited by law because they are seen as extremely harmful to not only the users, but society has well (Rader, n.d.). To prohibitionists, these drugs can be seen as harmful because they alter a person's state of consciousness. In addition, by taking these drugs people can become addicted to them, they can lead to crime, and more (Henderson, n.d.). Prohibitionists believe that by the mind being altered it can lead to more serious issues causing harm to them or others. The second side is the legalizers. They believe that recreational drugs should not be prohibited by law for one of three reasons: …show more content…

For example, it should be looked at if the crime committed was an accident or intentional, if the criminal was fully aware of the situation or if they have mental problems, and many others. This is based on humans evolving over time. Mental facilities like intelligence must be hereditary, but some people have it to a greater degree than others-to make decisions (Cave, 2016). Due to this, some people’s mental facilities may not be great enough to know the difference between right or wrong decisions. Their criminal evaluation should include this and they should not be evaluated at the same level as someone who has greater mental facilities. Also, no one chooses their genes or the environment they were born into. Therefore no one has responsibility for what they are and what they do (Cave, 2016). With that statement in mind, we must realize that life is full of many outcomes and many are not in our hands. Those outcomes are based on our personal genes and the environment we are in. We are born the way we are and our actions are taught to us from the ones around us. Putting the blame solely on a person based on who they are is not acceptable. Their environment, people around them, and their genetic makeup should all be

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