
Adversity And Imperialism

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Adversity, What is it? Adversity means a difficult or misfortune to someone during an event. Adversity is used in a everyday lifestyle for most people. Doing different tasks that makes you think deeper or thinking outside the box. Pushing through challenges you come upon. Adversity have been used for millions of years, Inventors use adversity every single day they work, finding kinks or flaws in their creation. I believe that imperialism is taking away a country's power by military forces, and diplomacy. Imperialization is kind of like the food chain, because when you become the weaker link you’re an easier target to take over, and if your powerful with a strong military you can take over other colonies as well as protect your own, …show more content…

Some other that started this wars relating to this one was on July 28 1914 Austria declared war on serbia, August 1 1914 Germany declared war on Russia, and on August 3 1914 Germany declared war on France. These were all caused from one colony disagreeing with their alliance. During this time Militants used adversity to survive and help others. Adversity, though leads to an unpleasant time, that alouds a person to discovers a certain style or a certain event that leads someone to success, it leads someone to their true potential in life. In the book “Call Of The Wild” has many events that show characters showing adversity in their everyday lifestyles. Showing that adversity doesn’t just pop up out of the ordinary. Things progress towards these events. One incident that occurred in the novel, was when the “Man in the red sweater” went to to the dog pound to get athletic, intelligent dogs for his journey to get to a abandoned, magical gold mine. Thats filled with tons and tons of gold, or so he through. When the main character Buck gets chosen to be the leader of the pack the man decides to show him who’s boss, so the man hits Buck to show himself overpowering others. This shows the man's weakness, he’s not comfortable around others that have a upper hand, insupportable to him. The book states “

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