
Adversity In Life Of Pi, By Yann Martel

Satisfactory Essays

People who take life for granted don't truly accept life and not reshape their identity, until they've tasted adversity and all the vast misfortunes and catastrophe. Yann Martel’s book “Life Of Pi”, shows how adverse situations can help shape a person’s individual identity and play a noteworthy role in one’s life by establishing one’s ability, shaping one’s values and beliefs.

The character Yann Martel mainly focuses on throughout the novel is about is a man named “Piscine Molitor Patel,” or short nickname “Pi.” The first time “Pi” has ever suffered a adversity on the novel was when he was; still, a young boy. Because of his name “Piscine” which sounds like “Pissing” he was mocked, and bullied, by his classmates nevertheless, even the teachers

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