
Aeneid Women

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Women of The Aeneid
The Aeneid a beautifully epic poem written by Virgil. This epic tale consists of a Trojan warrior Aeneas go through trials and tribulations of fate. Though many of his problems consist of women who have loved and loathed him in his life. These women nonetheless have made his founding of Rome come true. Every woman in this story has contributed to Aeneas’s destiny and character.
Minerva is first shown in the second book of The Aeneid. Aeneas is going back to the war and is describing what lead them to bring in the horse. He recounts of a Trojan boy named Sinon. Sinon goes on to say that the hose is a gift for the goddess Minerva. That she has turned her backs on the Greeks because of Ulysses destruction of a temple. Now this horse will appease Minerva and bring them victory among the war with Greece. A priestess not believing the man decides to try to puncture it with a spear. From this action Laocoon and his two sons are soon eaten by two serpents that have come from the ocean. The serpents then slither to the Minerva shrine. Thus, giving the trojans enough evidence to bring in the horse. By Bringing Minerva into the lie of the gift, they ultimately started the destruction of Troy. Minerva influenced these men to accept this gift and ultimately brings Troy’s down fall and brings Aeneas to flee with his family. This woman influenced the beginning of Aeneas’s travels and the eventual discovery of Rome. In the beginning of our story we are introduced to

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