
Ag Teacher Research Paper

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Agriculture is a growing and diverse industry. With a huge industry, there has got to be some challenges. The biggest challenge facing the youth in agriculture is the lack of qualified agriculture teachers. Agriculture teachers develop more than farmers, they develop the future of our nation. It is highly important that we fill these positions, because of the drastic obstacles that the agriculture industry will be facing. Why is there so many positions open? Students have expectations of what it will be like to teach ag. They expect it to be a continuation of their FFA careers and that all they will do it teach agriculture. The truth is there is a lot more that falls under the job title of ag teacher. Which students don’t find out till they …show more content…

This was a wonderful development for the youth of agriculture.The problem arose when there have been more teachers retiring yearly then there are new ag teachers to fill these open positions. Nationwide, 201 Ag teachers went into retirement,721 left teaching, 245 teachers are not certified to teach agriculture. After graduates are calculated in the equation there are still 797.5 positions to fill. With the lack of Ag teachers some agriculture programs have been closed causing school systems to lose the sight of importance for agriculture education. There a case currently being fought in Utah about closing an ag program, because of the lack of importance agriculture gives. This caused a rise of FFA members and advisors from around the nation. Without ag teachers teaching agriculture courses, people lose sight of the importance of agriculture. Ag teachers are the backbone to the Ag industry. There are 649,355 FFA members nationally (this does not include other agriculture students that are not in FFA) that depend on agriculture teachers to mold them into the future of …show more content…

It means the cultivation of breeding of animals, plants and fungi for food. The meaning of agriculture to students and teachers everywhere is something more specific. Agriculture is research, politics, teaching, mechanics and numerous other words come to mind when thinking about agriculture. We need educators to explain the diversity and opportunities of the agriculture industry. Annually there are 57,900 job openings in the agriculture industry. The industry needs Ag teachers to get students involved in this growing industry. There is a huge demand for agriculturalist, especially for the upcoming years. By the year 2020 scientist are predicting there will be 9 billion people on the planet. The problem facing agriculturalist is how will we feed these multitudes of people with less land to produce the food on. Ag teachers are a vital part of solving this problem. Ag teachers provide students with the knowledge to grow in any career aspect they choose whether agriculture or

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