
Age Discrimination In The Workplace

Decent Essays

I understand in structuring ethics, society has a moral code in writing rules that outline the way we behave. Laws such as Fair Labor Standard Act passed in 1938 has helped to improve employees' pay. The critics argue a transparent pay creates fair pay structure where employees have the opportunity to monitor, complain and report any unfair pay dealings (Kim, 2015, 652). Such historic, ethical dilemma impacted the society. For instance, an employer that violates the law faces the consequence. The result of some employers hiring younger workers. I read from an article has created fear for some reaching forty especially without a job due to not finding employment. The good news, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, passed in 1967 prohibits companies refusing an individual over forty a job, training, fair pay, even a promotion. …show more content…

I understand that the 1967 Act may not have eliminated such conducts. Notwithstanding, it created tremendous awareness about age discrimination and its repercussions. In week two, the ethics of capitalism have allowed government regulations to establish fairness and Individual Rights to ensure a stronger society and harsher penalties for discrimination in a workplace (Kim, 2015, 652).
Adam Smith portrays his moral character because he could determine moral right promoting the ethics of capitalism. The Philosopher took the stand to debate the practice of mercantilism and monopolies. He believes that the federal government must limit their involvement in individual economic issues, allow free trade and room for competition. Most importantly, Smith justifies that capitalism meant for the proper intention and freedom to run the market. That capitalism will pave the way for wealth through production and

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